# # Sample Button3 example for Swftools http://www.quiss.org/swftools/ # # # Object Button with y circle scale and text effect on press # # FlashPlayer Bug ? the _quality should change and crash on Windows v6.x .flash bbox=300x200 version=5 name="button3.swf" compress .font myfont "../font/Automaton.swf" .box fond width=300 height=200 color=gray fill=white line=2 .circle button_idle r=100 color=blue fill=salmon line=5 .circle button_hover r=100 color=red fill=salmon line=6 .circle button_pressed r=100 color=gray fill=salmon line=5 .text text_button font=myfont text="SwfTools" color=blue size=25% .text text_button_pressed font=myfont text="SwfTools" color=firebrick size=25% .text info_text font=myfont text="Button pressed" color=red size=15% .button object_button .show button_idle scaley=50% as=area .show button_idle scaley=50% as=idle .show button_idle scaley=50% as=shape .show button_hover scaley=50% alpha=90% as=hover .show info_text pin=center x=100 y=-30 as=pressed # coordinates are relative #Some Actionscript for v6 player bug ? Should ok now. .on_move_in: _quality="BEST"; .end .on_press: _quality="BEST"; .end .end # # Place Objects # .put fond .put button_pressed scaley=50% x=52 y=52 .put text_button_pressed pin=center x=152 y=100 alpha=90% # Background text with offset .put object_button x=50 y=50 .put text_button pin=center x=152 y=98 .end # End swf movie