File version: 6

File is zlib compressed. Ratio: 22%

File size: 38039 (Depacked)

Frame rate: 50.000000

Frame count: 0

Movie width: 250.00

Movie height: 200.00

Back to examples

# Sample Menu example for Swftools #
.flash bbox=250x200 version=6 name="menu.swf" compress

        .font myfont "../font/Automaton.swf"
        .box fond width=250 height=200 color=gray fill=white line=2
        .box button_idle width=100 height=35 color=blue fill=salmon line=3
        .box button_hover width=100 height=35 color=red fill=salmon line=3
        .box button_pressed width=100 height=35 color=gray fill=salmon line=3
        .box item_area width=115 height=165 color=green line=6

        .text text_button font=myfont text="Menu" color=blue size=50%
        .text text_item1 font=myfont text="One" color=blue size=50%
        .text text_item2 font=myfont text="Two" color=blue size=50%
        .text text_item3 font=myfont text="Three" color=blue size=50%
        .text text_item4 font=myfont text="Four" color=blue size=50%

.sprite empty


.button object_menu

        .show button_idle as=shape
        .show button_idle as=area
        .show button_hover as=hover
        .show button_pressed as=pressed


.button item_zone

.show item_area as=area
# for test only

#        .show item_area as=shape


.button menu_item1

        .show button_idle as=shape
        .show button_idle as=area
        .show button_hover as=hover
        .show button_pressed as=pressed
        this.geturl('javascript:alert(\'You pressed the item 1\')');


.button menu_item2

        .show button_idle as=shape
        .show button_idle as=area
        .show button_hover as=hover
        .show button_pressed as=pressed
        this.geturl('javascript:alert(\'You pressed the item 2\')');


.button menu_item3

        .show button_idle as=shape
        .show button_idle as=area
        .show button_hover as=hover
        .show button_pressed as=pressed
        this.geturl('javascript:alert(\'You pressed the item 3\')');


.button menu_item4

        .show button_idle as=shape
        .show button_idle as=area
        .show button_hover as=hover
        .show button_pressed as=pressed
        this.geturl('javascript:alert(\'You pressed the item 4\')');


# Place Objects

.put fond

.sprite menu_button

        .put object_menu x=20 y=20
        .put text_button pin=center x=70 y=37


.sprite menu_on

.frame 0

        .put menu_item1 20 20
        .put text_item1 pin=center x=70 y=37

.frame 5

        .put item_zone 118 18
        .change menu_item1 125 20
        .change text_item1 pin=center x=175 y=37
        .put menu_item2 125 20
        .put text_item2 pin=center x=175 y=37
        .put menu_item3 125 20
        .put text_item3 pin=center x=175 y=37
        .put menu_item4 125 20
        .put text_item4 pin=center x=175 y=37

.frame 10

        .change menu_item2 125 60
        .change text_item2 pin=center x=175 y=77
        .change menu_item3 125 100
        .change text_item3 pin=center x=175 y=117
        .change menu_item4 125 140
        .change text_item4 pin=center x=175 y=157

.frame 10000




function MenuOn() {

        menu = "1";

function MenuOnStop() {


function MenuOff() {

        menu = "0";


.end # End swf movie