File version: 6

File is zlib compressed. Ratio: 57%

File size: 35277 (Depacked)

Frame rate: 50.000000

Frame count: 0

Movie width: 600.00

Movie height: 300.00

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# Sample listbox example for Swftools #
# Vertical scrollBar component included so you can reuse it easy in others projects. #
.flash bbox=600x300 version=6 name="scrollbar_proto.swf" compress

        .font myfont "../font/Vera.ttf"
        .box fond width=600 height=300 color=gray fill=white line=2
        .edittext MyEdittext text="" color=blue font=myfont size=15% width=205 height=230 multiline wordwrap border variable=texte
        .edittext MyEdittext2 text="" color=blue font=myfont size=15% width=205 height=230 multiline wordwrap border variable=texte2

# ScrollBar component included
.include scrollbar_comp.sci

# Place Objects

.put fond

.put MyEdittext 10 10

.put MyEdittext2 300 10


texte = "SWF Tools is a collection of SWF manipulation and generation utilities written by Rainer Böhme and Matthias Kramm. It is released under the GPL.\n\nIncluded are:\n\n\tPDF2SWF A PDF to SWF Converter. Generates one frame per page. Enables you to have fully formatted text, including tables, formulas etc. inside your Flash Movie. Uses the xpdf PDF parser from Derek B. Noonburg and the tt2pt1 font converter developed by the TTF2PT1 Project and its contributors.\n\n\tSWFCombine A tool for inserting SWFs into Wrapper SWFs. (Templates) E.g. for including the pdf2swf SWFs in some sort of Browsing-SWF.\n\n\tSWFStrings Scans SWFs for text data.\n\n\tSWFDump Prints out various informations about SWFs.\n\n\tJPEG2SWF Takes one or more JPEG pictures and generates a SWF slideshow.\n\n\tPNG2SWF Like JPEG2SWF, only for PNGs. \n\n\tWAV2SWF Converts WAV audio files to SWFs with MP3 Streams, using the L.A.M.E. MP3 encoder.\n\n\tAVI2SWF Converts AVI animation files to SWF. It supports Flash MX H.263 compression. Some examples can be found at examples.html.\nFont2SWF Converts font files (TTF, Type1) to SWF.\nSWFBBox Allows to readjust SWF bounding boxes.\n\n\tSWFC A tool for creating SWF files from simple script files.\n\n\tSWFExtract Allows to extract Movieclips, Sounds, Images etc. from SWF files.\n\n\tRFXSWF Library A fully featured library which can be used for standalone SWF generation. Includes support for Bitmaps, Buttons, Shapes, Text, Fonts, Sound etc. It also has support for ActionScript using the Ming ActionCompiler.\n\nSWFTools has been reported to work on Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, HP-UX and MacOS X. ";

texte2 = texte;

// Init parameters for ScrollBar Component //
// 1 - Create an empty movieclip.
// 2 - Define position (x,y) for scrollbar. //
// 3 - Create the new scrollbar :
// MyScrollBar1 = new ScrollBar(MyScrollBar1, "true", 100, MyEdittext2.maxscroll, 1, 1, 20); //
// (name) = new ScrollBar(name,true or false, size, maxvalue, minvalue, step, initvalue) //
// 4 - Set the edittext target with vertical scrollbar if needed : // MyScrollBar1.Target = new Object(_root.MyEdittext2); //
// 5 - Initialise the component : MyScrollBar1.Initialise(); //
// Two verticals scrollbar attached with a edittext field //

        createEmptyMovieClip("MyScrollBar1", 1);
        MyscrollBar1._x = 570;
        MyscrollBar1._y = 10;
        MyScrollBar1 = new ScrollBar(MyScrollBar1, "true", 100, MyEdittext2.maxscroll, 1, 1, 20);
        MyScrollBar1.Target = new Object(_root.MyEdittext2);
        createEmptyMovieClip("MyScrollBar2", 10);
        MyscrollBar2._x = 223;
        MyscrollBar2._y = 10;
        MyScrollBar2 = new ScrollBar(MyScrollBar2, "true", 230, MyEdittext.maxscroll, 1, 1, 1);
        MyScrollBar2.Target = new Object(_root.MyEdittext);

// An horizontal scrollbar and a setinterval function to retrieve the value //

        createEmptyMovieClip("MyScrollBar3", 12);
        MyscrollBar3._x = 300;
        MyscrollBar3._y = 260;
        MyScrollBar3 = new ScrollBar(MyScrollBar3, "false", 120, 350, 250, 10, 300 );
        function moveEdittext() {
        MyEdittext2._x = MyScrollBar3.Value;
        idcheck = setinterval(moveEdittext, 200);


.end # End swf movie