File version: 6

File is zlib compressed. Ratio: 71%

File size: 5756 (Depacked)

Frame rate: 50.000000

Frame count: 1

Movie width: 200.95 (left offset: -0.45)

Movie height: 50.95 (top offset: -0.45)

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################################################### #
# Sound : embed Wav file and control it (+/-) #
# technoargia - avril 2006

.flash filename=embed_sound.swf bbox=autocrop

        .box fond width=200 height=50 color=gray fill=white line=2
        .box button_idle width=20 height=60 color=blue fill=salmon line=5
        .box button_hover width=20 height=60 color=red fill=salmon line=6
        .box button_pressed width=20 height=60 color=gray fill=salmon line=5
        .sound son "yahoo.wav"

.outline o_arrow:

        M 60.208843,38.698967 
        L 97.86712,38.698967 
        C 97.86712,38.698967 96.176907,25.416467 101.5254,22.698967
        C 106.94202,19.946851 132.17198,46.056049 131.84195,55.551743 
        C 131.50046,65.377079 105.79971,91.679067 101.5254,88.404518 
        C 97.332023,85.191969 97.86712,72.404518 97.86712,72.404518 
        L 60.208843,72.404518 
        C 57.438843,72.404518 55.208843,70.174518 55.208843,67.404518 
        L 55.208843,43.698967 
        C 55.208843,40.928967 57.438843,38.698967 60.208843,38.698967 z 


.outline o_speaker:

        M 159.99992,40.126861 
        L 176.0188,40.126861 
        C 177.33578,40.126861 201.21739,13.274048 201.21739,14.89918 
        L 201.21739,103.14777 
        C 201.21739,103.14777 177.33578,76.746709 176.0188,76.746709 
        L 159.99992,76.746709 
        C 158.68294,76.746709 157.6227,75.43839 157.6227,73.813258 
        L 157.6227,43.060312 
        C 157.6227,41.43518 158.68294,40.126861 159.99992,40.126861 z 


        .filled speaker_idle outline=o_speaker fill=#3366ff color=navy line=4
        .filled speaker_hover outline=o_speaker fill=#336699 color=salmon line=4
        .filled speaker_pressed outline=o_speaker fill=#4466ff color=red line=3
        .filled arrow_idle outline=o_arrow fill=#3366ff color=navy line=4
        .filled arrow_hover outline=o_arrow fill=#336699 color=salmon line=4
        .filled arrow_pressed outline=o_arrow fill=#4466ff color=red line=3

.button plus

        .show arrow_idle as=idle
        .show arrow_idle as=area
        .show arrow_hover as=hover
        .show arrow_pressed as=pressed
        # ActionScript
        if (i < 100) {



.button moins

        .show arrow_idle as=idle
        .show arrow_idle as=area
        .show arrow_hover as=hover
        .show arrow_pressed as=pressed
        # ActionScript
        if (i > 0) {


.button speaker

        .show speaker_idle as=idle
        .show speaker_idle as=area 
        .show speaker_hover as=hover
        .show speaker_pressed as=pressed
        # ActionScript



        monSon = new Sound();
        var i = 10;


        .put fond
        .put speaker pin=center x=20 y=23 scale=40% alpha=50%
        .put moins pin=center x=60 y=25 scale=40% alpha=50% rotate=180
        .put plus pin=center x=100  y=25 scale=40% alpha=50% rotate=0
