File version: 6

File is zlib compressed. Ratio: 72%

File size: 25374 (Depacked)

Frame rate: 50.000000

Frame count: 5

Movie width: 400.00

Movie height: 200.00

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# getTextSnapShot() example for Swftools #
# Text selection with the mouse

.flash filename=textsnap.swf version=6 bbox=400x200 background=salmon

.font vera filename=../font/Vera.ttf

        .text line1 font=vera text="bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla" color=blue size=25%
        .text line2 font=vera text="abcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxyz" color=blue size=25%
        .text line3 font=vera text="The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" color=blue size=25% 

        .frame 1

            # to test pdf2swf files, replace the following sprite with
            # .swf MyMC filename="testfile.swf"

            .sprite MyMC
                .put line1 x=10 y=50
                .put line2 x=10 y=80
                .put line3 x=10 y=110

            .put MyMC

        .frame 2

        .frame 3

        .frame 4

            str = MyMC.getTextSnapShot();
            FirstCaracter = -1;
        MyMC.onMouseDown = function() {
           // find which character the mouse pointer is over (if any)
           FirstCaracter = str.hitTestTextNearPos(_xmouse, _ymouse, 0);
           // deselect everything
           str.setSelected(0, str.getCount(), false);

        MyMC.onMouseUp = function() {
           if (FirstCaracter>=0) {
           LastCaracter = str.hitTestTextNearPos(_xmouse, _ymouse, 0);
           if (FirstCaracter != LastCaracter) {
              // select the zone
           if (FirstCaracter < LastCaracter) {
              str.setSelected(FirstCaracter, LastCaracter+1, true);
           } else {
              str.setSelected(LastCaracter,FirstCaracter+1,  true);
           FirstCaracter = -1;
           LastCaracter = -1;

        MyMC.onMouseMove = function() {
           if (FirstCaracter != -1) {
           // deselect everything to update selection
           str.setSelected(0, str.getCount(), false);
           if (FirstCaracter>=0) {
           LastCaracter = str.hitTestTextNearPos(_xmouse, _ymouse, 0);
           if (FirstCaracter < LastCaracter) {
              str.setSelected(FirstCaracter, LastCaracter+1, true);
           } else {
              str.setSelected(LastCaracter,FirstCaracter+1,  true);


        .frame 5
